You should read and understand hints and instructions shown on the screen. Training tasks are very easy and if you will be careful then you will pass it quickly. Second part of training is made to check what have you learned - it's an exam that you should pass by yourself. Tasks contain hints and instructions and even correct answers are shown to you. First part of training is made to show you how to solve captchas. To pass the training you need to solve all training tasks correctly. You always can pass the training again - just click here and hit "Start over" button. Usually you have to type the text from the image, click on squares with some objects or type numbers of such squares. Our training shows how to solve different type of captchas. More info on our referral program you can find in referral section of FAQ. You can use your referral link to invite your friends to our service and you will get 10% of their earnings. You can't withdraw your reputation - it’s not funds, it’s just a number of captchas solved. Reputation doesn’t affect the rate, complexity or speed of captcha.

You get 1 reputation point for every 1000 captchas you solve. Reputation shown how many captchas you solved totally. Please note that balance is rounded to two decimals so you will see it starting from $0.01.

Your balance is indicated on the dashboard. Rate for each captcha is shown on your screen near the captcha. Rate for ReCaptcha V2 that can be solved when you use our software is fixed to $. Rate for normal captchas is between $0.14 - $0. Our rates are flexible and depend on total amount of captchas submitted by customers, total number of workers online and complexity of captchas. We get captchas from customers and distribute them to workers. Our service is made to connect customers and workers. And there are people who can earn some funds online for solving captchas (Workers). They can pay some small amounts for solving captchas because it helps them to save their time. There are people who need to solve many captchas to complete different tasks. You will pass a short training that will guide you on captcha solving process and when training is complete you will start to earn money solving captchas. Register an account on our website, then hit “Start work” at the top. To start your online job on 2Captcha you need a computer with keyboard or a smartphone.